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Jean Monnet Module: The Economics of European (Dis-)integration - ECONDIS

The ECONDIS module focuses on the integration of European economies, as well as the current discontents with this integration process and the challenges posed by disintegration. It studies the economic rationale for integration and addresses the populist upheavals in several EU member states, as best exemplified with the British vote in favour of leaving the EU. These, in combination with several recent and current crises, such as the 2008 financial crisis and the current migration crisis, contest European integration.


Martijn Huysmans, Assistant Professor, Universiteit Utrecht.

Course ECN202: The European Economy
Econdis Student papers
Workshop: The Causes and Modes of European Disintegration, 28-29 June 2021, Online

On 28 and 29 June, a workshop was organized on the Causes and Modes of European Disintegration, bringing together 26 experts, presenting their research on the issue, after a competitive call for papers, see here
Edited special issue: As part of this Jean Monnet Module, a special issue is being developed (Politics and Governance, 11(3)).

Academic articles

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