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Digitally Aware Elections: Inês de Matos Pinto, S&D

Practical information

Tuesday 21 May 2024, 18:00-19:30
BSoG, Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels, floor -1 Rome/Lisbon
This event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.
Banner for Digitally Aware Elections event with S&D

The 2024-2029 EU parliamentary term will tackle several key digital policy issues, relating to AI, cybersecurity and critical infrastructure, data protection, online safety, and sustainable digital development. As the EU approaches this pivotal moment in shaping its future digital policy, the BSoG's CD2I Centre is spearheading a sequence of onsite events dedicated to discussing these themes. At each of these gatherings, a digital policy advisor representing one of the seven European political groups will delve into discussions with fellow panelists and attendees, focusing on their group's digital policy agenda.

In our session on 21 May 2024, we will be joined by Inês de Matos Pinto, Digital and Legal Affairs Adviser of S&D Group. Ms. de Matos Pinto will share insights into S&D's digital priorities, with a special focus on one specific policy area, as well as a general discussion that will cover past actions and help us identify future tasks post-election. Her fellow panelists will include several other invited experts from a range of different stakeholder groups (academia, technical community, government, industry), each bringing a unique perspective to the conversation.

This engaging discussion is designed to enrich your understanding and spark thought-provoking dialogue, helping you navigate your choices in the upcoming elections with greater insight.

We warmly invite you to be part of this exclusive event, taking place in-person at the VUB Brussels School of Governance. A reception will follow, offering a perfect opportunity for networking and further discussion.

Registration is free of charge, but mandatory, via the form below.

Stay tuned for more information on the panelists and prepare to be part of a pivotal conversation on the future of digital policy in the EU.

Register here