Educational news

Join our Vesalius College or IES Alumni network

We have great news! Our online Alumni Networks are now up and running, so you can become part of your Vesalius College or IES Alumni Network on Facebook or LinkedIn if that wasn’t the case already. You can join the networks through the links below. Your contact person for all alumni related matters is Charlotte Marie Dooms from our Marketing and Communications team. You can reach her by sending an email to

On 9 February, our first Alumni Newsletter was sent out and will be arriving in your mailbox every four months from now on for those subscribed. Feel free to exchange job opportunities, career moves, new publications, etc. Let’s create more opportunities for networking as we build this group to become a strong community!

Are you not getting the Alumni Newsletter? Or is your information not up to date? Please fill out our Alumni Survey, which you can find here. It will allow us to update our Alumni database and send you more personalised content!